To be added to the Free Agents list

  • You must have a NAGAAA rating, and played within the last two years.

If you do not have an active NAGAAA rating and haven't played within the last two years, you must attend the next recruiting session.

Click on the "Home" tab for the date, time, and location. You can also check the Facebook and Instagram pages. See you soon! 

"Spring 2024" Free Agent List!




 Preferred Positions


Marcial Pereira 954-243-1271 2nd, 3rd or catcher 10
Jesse Gonzalez  954 825 3066  3rd 5
Jeremy Teele 203-815-4702 2nd, 1st, P, EH 13









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To be removed from the list or for questions, please contact:

Erick S.

Phone: Email:

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